Shit Talking Shrinks

Sex Talks: Creating the Sex Life of Your Wildest Dreams with Vanessa & Xander Marin

Paulina Siegel, Vanessa Marin, Xander Marin Season 3 Episode 15

Welcome to "Shit Talking Shrinks," I'm your host Paulie Siegel, a Licensed therapist, Certified Addiction Counselor and master-level trained mindfulness practitioner with a passion for psychology, humor, and insightful journeys through the realm of mental wellness. Join me as we explore the depths of the human mind, unraveling complexities while keeping it lighthearted.

Joining me are Vanessa Marin, a seasoned licensed psychotherapist with 20 years of experience in the sex therapy field, and her husband Xander, a regular guy who's navigated marriage to a sex therapist for over a decade. Together, they've co-authored the book, "Sex Talks: The Five Conversations that Will Transform Your Love Life," and are the hosts of the podcast, Pillow Talk.

In this episode, we're getting down and dirty about how to amp up your bedroom game, deepen those heart-to-heart connections, and ride out the highs and lows of your relationship. Feeling stuck? They've got the lowdown on how to shake things up. And, of course, learn the secrets to keeping the love alive through thick and thin. Vanessa and Xander share more about starting those crucial convos with your partner.

Join us for a candid and light-hearted chat that combines professional wisdom with real-life experiences from a couple who knows the ins and outs of making love last. This episode is all about laughs, insights, and practical tips to make your love life better. Don't miss out—tune in now!

Learn more about Vanessa & Xander at:
Follow Vanessa & Xander on Instagram: @vanessaandxander
Connect with Vanessa & Xander on Facebook: @vanessaandxander
Follow Vanessa & Xander on TikTok: @vanessaandxander

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Music by Blue Claw Philharmonic.

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